Thursday, May 1, 2008

Where can I find out about Artificial Intelligence?

If you're interested in AI, you've come to the right place! The Artificial Intelligence Depot is a site purely dedicated to AI bringing you daily news and regular features, providing you with community interaction as well as an ever growing database of knowledge resources. Whether you are a complete beginner, experienced programmer, computer games hacker or academic researcher, you will find something to suit your needs here.

Once you've finished reading this page, the first thing you should do is visit the Artificial Intelligence Depot's main page. This deals with the daily Artificial Intelligence business, and contains links to useful resources. From now onwards you will always be taken to this main page, but you can always come back to this introduction page via the menu. If you need a quick guide to the site before you start, refer to our introduction for the AI Depot.

That said, you should not limit yourself to online information. Getting a good book on the subject is probably one of the smartest moves to make if you are really serious about Artificial Intelligence. A good starting point is the book called Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, which covers important material from the ground upwards.

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